New Video Production Class at Hopewell

With the addition of a new broadcast cart, Hopewell students now have the opportunity to learn video broadcast taught by Mr. Perez. This class is a media and broadcasting class designed to provide students with skills writing, using various forms of media, and...

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Tour Builder

8th Grade ELA classes participated in a gallery tour which focused on the Holocaust. By using the interactive Apple TV and Tour Builder, students were able to visit and see actual historical locations from the Holocaust.     

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After researching current world issues, 6th grade students in Ms. Alvarez's ELA classes created newscast videos using the iPad app, Touchcast. Enjoy! Example 1

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Hour of Code

December 5th,6th, and 7th Hopewell students participated in the Hour of Code.  The Hour of Code is a global movement to introduce coding to millions of students each year.  This year our students created games on the iPads and programmed  Ozobots.    

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